So as we come to the end of another year for the Forum and for the post-Covid City of London I sense a feeling of optimism and purpose in the City marred only by the inertia of our Whitehall politicians who I suspect are mindful of the Mayoral elections in May 2024 and the likelihood of another Labour London administration - to be matched by a new Government?
But what of the last year for the Forum?
Eight events ranging from building visits to talks on Transport Planning Policy and Designing Inclusive Public Spaces, and all culminating in a very successful Annual Dinner with fascinating speeches from our guest speakers Sharon Ament and Tom Nancollas; both beautifully illustrating the depth of our building and cultural heritage.
The future of the City and its emerging skyline featured centrally in the Q&A session at the dinner, and the channels of major schemes coming through the planning system augurs well for the built environment industry as well as the City’s recovering and reshaping ecosystem which I believe will be key to the future as we need to re-establish a seven-day City post-Covid.
The clever repurposing of secondary office stock for a mixture of uses on the edges of the City Core presents at once a huge challenge and a huge opportunity for all of us involved in the area.
Your committee are hard at work planning a diverse programme of events for you for 2024 within which we will look to address these trends and we will let you have details early in the New Year. Something new for next year will be a Summer Drinks Party so do watch this space for further details.
We are always keen to have ideas from you for new events and indeed new members and I’d be delighted to hear from you with your suggestions.
Thank you once again for your continued support of the Forum in 2023.
Andrew Reynolds
Forum ChairÂ